# Chevereto 3.8.4


  • Added support for Disqus SSO
  • Added registration IP flood detection
  • Added automatic removal of not confirmed user accounts
  • Added configurable supported image formats
  • Added more homepage banners
  • Added support for private users likes/liked content
  • Added support for custom PDO params at settings.php (database settings)
  • Added support for multiple upload threads (simultaneous uploads)
  • Added option to disable automatic daily updates check
  • Added embed codes output for all images within an album
  • Improved Disqus language display (uses visitor selected language)
  • Improved copy button behavior for mobile devices
  • Improved uploader queue handling (doesn’t hang on big queue)
  • Improved support for corrupted JPG files (recoverable files)
  • Improved /json image listing speed
  • Improved CHV.fn.uploader (js uploader)
  • Improved integrity check script
  • Fixed homepage “after cover” NSFW handling
  • Fixed bug with not working CloudFlare client ip detection (some installs)
  • Fixed bug with not working API calls due to consent screen
  • Fixed bug with invalid Exif image descriptions
  • Fixed bug in CHV\Image::insert
  • Fixed bug in CHV\Image::delete
  • Fixed bug in CHV\Image::uploadToWebsite
  • Fixed bug in watermark tempnam generation
  • Fixed bug in automatic updates check
  • Fixed bug in remote URL upload parse (not working BBCode)
  • Fixed bug in external storage disk usage counter
  • Fixed bug in routing form (pattern validation issues)
  • Fixed bug in HTML 5 input validations (wrong pattern issues)
  • Deprecated homepage “before cover” banner
  • Deprecated client-side resizing
  • Deprecated external storage image check on /image
  • Updated G\ to v1.0.32
  • Updated Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish translations