# Chevereto 4.2.0


  • 🏷️ Added user-defined content tags
  • 🏷️ Added album top tags filtering system
  • 🏷️ Added automatic camera model tagging
  • 🏷️ Added bulk importer support for metadata tags
  • 🏷️ Added combined tag filtering system
  • 🏷️ Added tag autocomplete search
  • 🏷️ Added tag description
  • 🏷️ Added tags listings
  • 🏷️ Added top tags explorer list
  • 🕷️ Added support for Arachnid Shield API v1.0
  • 🪣 Added "Use path style endpoint" option for External storage
  • 🪣 Added removal for External storage
  • 🪣 Improved credentials handling at External storage
  • 📈 Added CRON runtime stat
  • 📈 Added Tags stat
  • 🖼️ Added image only Explorer listing
  • 🖼️ Added support for AVIF image format
  • 🐘 Added automatic ini_set for settings mismatch
  • 🐘 Requires PHP 8.1
  • 🌚 Added System color palette prefers-color-scheme
  • 📷 Added Exif data dedicated tab
  • 🐬 Added system variables
  • 📱 Changed mobile font root size to 16px
  • ✅ Added "Go up" button for sub-albums
  • ✅ Added album creation on behalf of users
  • ✅ Added API documentation page
  • ✅ Added asset storage deletions with queues
  • ✅ Added breadcrumb navigation for sub-albums
  • ✅ Added canonical URL for /explore
  • ✅ Added category editing tools to category view
  • ✅ Added configurable cache ttl
  • ✅ Added configurable video routing
  • ✅ Added custom SMTP port setting
  • ✅ Added database settings for asset storage
  • ✅ Added error log configuration for cron and CLI
  • ✅ Added HTML encoding for growl alerts
  • ✅ Added keywords meta tag
  • ✅ Added logout action for account routes
  • ✅ Added meta robots noindex, follow for search results
  • ✅ Added more ENV configurable limits
  • ✅ Added more ENV system configurable toggles
  • ✅ Added more error log information
  • ✅ Added new content section to explorer menu
  • ✅ Added new listing /explore/albums
  • ✅ Added new listing /explore/users
  • ✅ Added option to toggle guest album creation
  • ✅ Added root user support for CLI
  • ✅ Added single JavaScript dependency
  • ✅ Added SMTP without credentials
  • ✅ Added support for bfcache
  • ✅ Added support for case-sensitive url_key for categories
  • ✅ Added support for custom upload expiration via API
  • ✅ Added support for custom upload plugins
  • ✅ Added user's liked albums listing
  • ✅ Added web manifest
  • ✅ Improved API request handling
  • ✅ Improved confirmation table indexes
  • ✅ Improved CRON error handling
  • ✅ Improved form validation handling
  • ✅ Improved handling for boolean settings
  • ✅ Improved handling for string settings (HTML safe)
  • ✅ Improved hreflang implementation
  • ✅ Improved post upload message for guest
  • ✅ Improved session handling
  • ✅ Improved share modals which now use short URL
  • ✅ Migrated xrDebug configuration from database to ENV
  • ✅ Removed History.js and unload events
  • ✅ Removed local uploads re-check
  • ✅ Removed switch to local upload failover
  • 💅 Added apple-mobile-web-app-title property
  • 💅 Added automatic menu sizing display
  • 💅 Added color-scheme dark for applicable palettes
  • 💅 Added curl command example under /dashboard/settings/guest-api
  • 💅 Added curl command example under /settings/api
  • 💅 Added dashboard stat button links
  • 💅 Added download links for files
  • 💅 Added ESC key binding to clear and close search boxes
  • 💅 Added Explore button to mobile top bar
  • 💅 Disabled key feedback message
  • 💅 Improved "hamburger" menu
  • 💅 Improved album cover button icon
  • 💅 Improved External storage error display
  • 💅 Improved listing bulk selection tool
  • 💅 Improved select elements display for Safari
  • 💅 Improved user profile display
  • 💅 Introducing all-new dark palette
  • 💅 Mobile menus now display two columns
  • 💅 Removed default avatar from guest owned content
  • 💅 Removed redundant success alerts
  • 💅 Removed top bar hide/show on scrolling
  • 💅 Unified user action buttons
  • 💅 Updated Font Awesome dependency
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in account change email confirm
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in album editing allowing empty string
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in album editing parent id
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in failing asset upload when running in sub-dir
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in front controller
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in listing selection tools
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in missing oEmbed tags when using custom image routing
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in oEmbed XML output
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in password reset
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in share modal
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in stop words filter system
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in sub-albums listing editor
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in URL-based lang change for logged users
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in user avatar upload
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in video upload when using watermarks
  • 🐞 Fixed bug in wrong redirects when running in sub-dir
  • 🐞 Fixed bug with not working album share button
  • 🐞 Fixed bug with wrong URL for album sharing
  • 🐞 Fixed ErrorException on contact page
  • 🐞 Fixed ErrorException on route json