# Chevereto 4.0.0


  • ⌨️ Added CMD + click action to select items on listings
  • ⌨️ Added key binding for closing listing viewer, modal (ESC)
  • ⌨️ Added keyboard shortcuts for image, album and listing actions
  • ⌨️ Added support for Ctrl/Cmd + Enter submit form
  • ⚙️ Added app/bin/legacy console
  • ⚙️ Added CLI command for getting setting value
  • ⚙️ Added CLI command for user password reset
  • ⚙️ Added database-update command
  • Added /update route (opens new window)
  • ✅ Added configurable root routing
  • ✅ Added disable CRON while maintenance mode is enabled
  • ✅ Added support for paste multiple URLs/Files
  • ✅ Disabled autocomplete for name/title :input fields
  • ✅ Improved system settings handling
  • ✅ Improved uploader close handling
  • 🌎 Added SEO URL for embed codes
  • 🌎 Added support for Web Share API
  • 🌎 Improved delete actions now with redirect as 303
  • 🌎 Improved document titles for user, dashboard and category
  • 🌎 Improved routing SEO settings location
  • 🌎 Improved URLs for non-alphanumeric content
  • 🎉 Added API V1.1 with user-based keys
  • 🎨 Added theme palettes
  • 🎨 Added theme palettes delay on preview
  • 🐎 Added text-based logo option
  • 🐘 Add early detection for PHP setup
  • 🐘 Added bcmath polyfill
  • 🐘 Added chevere/xr debugger
  • 🐘 Added custom error log location (opens new window)
  • 🐘 Added immutable variable instances
  • 🐘 Added stricter typed settings
  • 🐘 Added unified application cache directory
  • 🐘 Implemented env.php configuration standard
  • 🐘 Implemented Chevere Writer & Error Handling
  • 🐘 Implemented mutable variable instances
  • 🐘 Improved PHP bootstrapping
  • 🐘 Overall improved code quality
  • 🐘 Removed PHP extensions requirements (mbstring, ds, zip)
  • 🐘 Updated Openstack library
  • 🐘 Upgraded code for PHP 8 syntax
  • 🐞 Fixed bugs (see BETA CHANGELOG)
  • 👀 Added @username references
  • 👀 Added contact form disappear after submit (opens new window)
  • 👀 Added error log location at dashboard homepage
  • 👀 Added hint about testing email delivery
  • 👀 Added Telegram for sharing buttons
  • 👀 Configured URL_VIEWER as default embed codes sharing link
  • 👉 Renamed "Linked accounts" to "Connections"
  • 👉 Renamed "Social networks" to "Login providers"
  • 👉 Renamed /dashboard/bulk to /dashboard/bulk-importer
  • 👉 Renamed sdk/pup.js to sdk/pup.min.js
  • 👉 Renamed CLI importing command to bulk-importer
  • 👽 Added admin setting to force debug errors
  • 👽 Added Docker commands display at /dashboard
  • 👽 Added enable URL upload for admin users
  • 💅 Added automatic focus on :input:first for modal boxes
  • 💅 Improved anywhere uploader user interface
  • 💅 Improved consent screen
  • 💅 Improved copy button
  • 💅 Improved display for private content
  • 💅 Improved file info display on image view
  • 💅 Improved image and album info display
  • 💅 Improved input auto focus behavior
  • 💅 Improved Modal/Login boxes
  • 💅 Improved noticies display
  • 💅 Improved pop-menu interface
  • 💅 Improved style for "load more" button (opens new window)
  • 💅 Improved style for connected accounts
  • 💅 Improved user menu
  • 💅 Improved User settings and Dashboard
  • 💅 Updated "Powered by" section
  • 💅 Updated user interface
  • 💎 Added coding style standard
  • 💣 Added image expiration display
  • 💣 Added image expiration to root uploader form
  • 💫 Added support for PsySH (REPL) (opens new window)
  • 💫 Added support for Tinkerwell (REPL)
  • 💬 Improved language translations bootstrapping
  • 📁 Added support for drop folder upload
  • 📱 Improved mobile top bar
  • 📱 Improved style for mobile listing action buttons (opens new window)
  • 📱 Improved tabs for mobile
  • 📱 Improved user interface for iOS devices (input no-zoom on focus)
  • 🔀 Added option to disable Random mode for guests users
  • 🔍️ Added option to disable search functionality for guest users
  • 🔍 Improved search user interface
  • 🔐 Added password hashing for albums (opens new window)
  • 🔭 Added zoom for listing viewer
  • 🖱 Added context menu trigger zoom on listing viewer
  • 🗑 Deprecated app/settings.php
  • 🗑 Deprecated color options (light, dark)
  • 🗑 Deprecated email notification on new updates
  • 🗑 Deprecated error reporting configuration
  • 🗑 Deprecated HTTP update system
  • 🗑 Deprecated install command for db updates
  • 🗑 Deprecated update restriction for large databases in CLI context (opens new window)
  • 🗑 Deprecated utf8_encode/decode usage
  • 🤠 Added configurable first tab on image page
  • 🤠 Added new login providers (Hybridauth)
  • 🤠 Enabled higher user avatar image resolution
  • 🤠 Upgraded to Font Awesome 6 icons (opens new window)
  • 🥁 Added TOS agreement when guest contact form
  • 🥁 Added TOS agreement when guest-uploading
  • 🧽 Re-structured legacy application code
  • 🧽 Refactored login
  • 🚅 Added native lazy load listings
  • 🚧 Added ban button to user profiles (opens new window)
  • 🚧 Added root level maximum limits (users, images, albums)
  • 🚩 Added image delete link
  • 🛡 Added API header authorization
  • 🛡 Added database encryption for application secrets
  • 🛡 Added logout form action
  • 🛡 Added support for Project Arachnid API (combat CSAM)
  • 🛡 Added two-factor authentication